How the Blog was Born

Hi, my name is Geri and I'm a reformed Gluten Eater. I've been Gluten Free for over 4 years now, and I'm hanging on! In fact I'm such a Gluten Free fanatic that I'm sure I irritate my friends with all my "this is why gluten is bad for you" talk! But I have had a few friends want to jump on the wagon with me, so this is for them. I decided it might be easier to have my recipes in a place where they could get them instead of waiting for me to email them!! And it gives me a venue to talk all I want about the evils of gluten, and traditional medicine, and artificial sweeteners and so on and I will never know if you tune me out!! So that is How the Blog was Born. Whether it dies or not...we shall see....well I don't think you can kill one of these things, so I guess it's here to stay. If you want some ideas and recipes on how to eat Gluten Free, and how to keep your kids and yourself out of the doctors office then feel free to join me!! And if you have things to share, please comment and I'll add it on!!

Enjoy the Journey!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gluten Free Flour mixtures

Lets start at the very's a very good place to start.....

Oh sorry, okay, So let's start with the basics.  Most Gluten Free Recipes call for an all-purpose baking flour.   First I'll give you a list of what to buy that you MUST HAVE to bake Gluten Free.  (***Look at the bottom for a special TIP about baking goodies!!)

Brown Rice Flour
Potato Starch
Tapioca Starch
Corn Starch
Potato Flour
White Rice Flour from the Asian Market
Xanthan Gum  (this is what holds it all together, like the gluten does in regular flour!)

Featherlight Mix (used for breakfast foods, sweet breads, etc.)

1 Cup Brown Rice Flour
1 Cup Tapioca Starch
1 Cup Corn Starch
1 Tbls Potato Flour (not starch!!)

All Purpose Baking Flour:  (used mostly for bread and biscuits)

2 C Brown rice flour
2/3 C Potato Starch  (NOT potato flour)
1/3 C Tapioca Starch (sometimes called tapioca flour)   Confusing enough for you??

I keep a bucket of this mixed up.  Because I bake alot this is what I do (I'm sure you can figure it out, but here goes)

6 C Brown Rice Flour
2 C Potato Starch
1 C Tapioca Starch

Now, these are the recipes I use for bread, muffins, pancakes, and all of that sort of baking.  But I found a really great trick for baking goodies!!!   If you do this you won't be able to tell that it is gluten free!!  It makes a HUGE difference! You ready???

For my GF Flour mix for baking goodies I use WHITE RICE FLOUR FROM THE ASIAN MARKET.
It is this really fine powdery flour.  It doesn't work in breads, but for cakes and cookies it's fabulous!!!   Use the recipe for the All Purpose Baking Flour, just use the white rice instead of brown rice flour.  I keep two seperate buckets full.  I keep mine in my cupboard because I use them quickly.  But the freezer is a good place to store it too!!

1 comment:

  1. Where is the Asian Market at? Where do you get your cake, cookies, other recipes at? my wife trying to make her diet a little more exciting. She had to cut out milk, soy, peanuts, wheat, and corn a year ago because of our baby and now she feels better and our baby is wanting good foods. She would love to learn how to cook this way. Thank you for doing this blog.

    you can email her at if you would like.
