How the Blog was Born

Hi, my name is Geri and I'm a reformed Gluten Eater. I've been Gluten Free for over 4 years now, and I'm hanging on! In fact I'm such a Gluten Free fanatic that I'm sure I irritate my friends with all my "this is why gluten is bad for you" talk! But I have had a few friends want to jump on the wagon with me, so this is for them. I decided it might be easier to have my recipes in a place where they could get them instead of waiting for me to email them!! And it gives me a venue to talk all I want about the evils of gluten, and traditional medicine, and artificial sweeteners and so on and I will never know if you tune me out!! So that is How the Blog was Born. Whether it dies or not...we shall see....well I don't think you can kill one of these things, so I guess it's here to stay. If you want some ideas and recipes on how to eat Gluten Free, and how to keep your kids and yourself out of the doctors office then feel free to join me!! And if you have things to share, please comment and I'll add it on!!

Enjoy the Journey!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Essential oils

I think Essential Oils are an Esssential! (I just crack myself up!)  I have been using Essential oils for about 11 years now!!  That was when my beautiful, 14 year old daughter, Libby, was diagnosed with a genetic disorder called MED. (multiple epiphyseal displasia)  She was 3 and had joint pain and of course the doctor said, "Give her ibuprofen every 4 hours."  And I thought "NO WAY am I giving her ibuprofen for the rest of her life!  I could just imagine her stomach by age 5!  So I set out on a journey to find something that God had put on the earth to help my daughter!  My sister, Karen, gave me the answer.  I used a pain blend.  You always put oils by the drop in a carrier oil.   I use Olive oil or coconut oil.  I would rub that on her joints and she loved it!  Every since then, after each surgery she would refuse to take the pain medication and would beg me to rub her legs with oil.  My little 6 year old, Jenica, has the same disorder. She does the same thing!

But there are many other oils too!  Essential oils are taken right from the plant leaves and roots and the pure oil is extracted.  I believe that God has given us everything we need to heal ourselves on this earth.  Now I also believe that God inspired Alexander Fleming to discover penicillan!  I'm not against doctors, just the overuse of medicines that are harming our bodies!  I have just found so many wonderful natural things that help with almost everything!!  Hopefully in future blogs I will share other things too!

I use oils for the first signs of Bronchitis.   I have 2 kids very prone to it.  One ended up in the hospital.  But now I use the Breathe blend and it never makes it into full blown bronchitis.  There is Lavendar, which helps me sleep and is great for cuts and burns.  It helps scars to heal better because it actually reproduces new cells.  I also use a blend called DigestZen to help with my digestive issues.  There is OnGuard to build the immune system.  I carry Peppermint Oil in my car for those kids that get carsick!  I will often hear, "Quick! Where's the Peppermint!"  You can google "essential oils for ..." just about any issue and get an answer.  It's great!  Don't you just love the computer!

If you've never used them before, what you do is usually use one drop of essential oil to about 10 or 15 drops of carrier oil. (olive, coconut)  Then you rub it on the bottom of your feet.  That is where all of your nerve endings are.  It travels up through your body!  You can also rub it directly on your chest or a scar or a joint that has pain. 

I now am a distributor for DoTerra oils.  I buy them all the time so I figured I might as well!  When choosing essential oils you want to make sure and pick 100% pure Therapeutic Grade.  Many oils will say 100% pure but arent.  You need to research your oils and good rule of thumb is not to buy them in a healthfood store or grocery store.  I like Doterra the best from what I've found.

You can check them out on  I give about a 10% discount from what you can get online plus I share shipping with whoever orders so shipping isn't so expensive.  If you want to order oils then just email me at

Okay, quick story!!  The other day I was rubbing my daughters foot. She just had surgery on her knee and begs for me to rub her foot all the time.  My 2 year old came and started pushing his feet toward me and grunting!  We mothers speak "grunt".  I said, "Do you want me to rub your feet too?"  He immediately got up and left the room, and came back carrying one of my essential oils!!  AAWWWW...It was so cute!! 

Enjoy the journey!

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